Introducing: Host Radio

Podcast Launch

“Welcome to Host Radio, your new community podcast.”

Hello from Hannah and Olivia, Host platform leaders and anchors of the new podcast Host Radio. 

We’re proud to introduce a new project as part of the platform, which will do all the things Host was created for: Bring together thought leadership, and amplify voices from across tech, design and culture.

Host Radio is a place for professional talk in a personable setting. We’ll be having work lunch catch ups about everything from innovation in tech, to the world of marketing, to mental health, lifestyle and culture.

But it’s not just our dulcet tones you’ll be hearing!

We plan to bring you exclusive discussion from interviewees and guest Hosts from across the industry. There will be experts in D&I, tech, recruitment, design and more.

To hear more about what there is to look forward to, listen to our pilot episode now:

As a sneak peak for the series, here’s a snippet from episode 2: Help! I’m Addicted to my Job!


So let’s talk about this for a second: Do you really love your job?


In this moment, today, I can definitely say that I love what I do for a living.

But up until this year, I honestly lived my life thinking when someone said that they love their job, that was just a cliche and to be brutally honest, normally a lie.

I just thought, ‘No, you probably love the salary that comes with it, or you love the fact that people see you as being important or successful.’

My perspective on that has completely changed though, because now that I do something, which is exciting, and that I know I'm good at and it changes every day, I get what it is to actually love your job.


When someone asks you, ‘Are you working?’ Are you conflicted about defining the difference between working and caring at your job versus doing something that you genuinely enjoy, and you want to spend your time doing? 

Bearing in mind, this might spill outside of working hours, it might be on the weekend… 

You know, I was sitting on the sofa the other night, I had my laptop on my lap, I was just fiddling around with one of our websites making minor adjustments and improvements. 

My partner walked in and asked quite simply, are you working? 

And you know what, it bugged me. 

Not because he just wondered if I was concentrating, and he wanted to prepare dinner and things, but because I couldn't find an answer. 

It was either a yes or no, but I was doing something because I enjoyed it at the time. It was something that I wanted to do. 

But I was also doing something that was contributing to my job, to my work.


I definitely know what you mean. When you don't see your work as work because you do a job for the love of it, especially if it's creative, it overlaps with what you might be doing as a hobby anyway. 

Not everyone always shares that mindset so the frustration is: That’s a yes or no question but for me there’s a grey area, so I just don’t know how to answer it.

In more of this episode we discuss the Devil Wears Prada, the philosophies of Will Smith, and how work life balance might mean something different to everyone…

Tune in to hear in full here:

Don’t forget to subscribe! 

Explore the Host webpage to see content from our and contributors. Get in touch to collaborate, write us a guest blog, be an interviewee, get involved at an event or feature right here on Host Radio!

This is where the stage is yours.

We can’t wait to hear from you.


Colour Theory and the Psychology of Gender


Relationships with Alcohol