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Women In Tech - Choosing To Lead

We all took part in the choose to challenge campaign, but do you choose to lead?

The team at Orbis have dedicated March to celebrating the international women of tech. For this exciting panel talk, we'll be sitting with some of the best USA Technology leaders across Engineering.

We're going to talk about - Progression for women in tech - How we can proactively make changes to achieve diverse leadership teams - The journey to leadership, the importance of mentorship and all the challenges women face in the workplace along the way.

This event will be hosted in USA. Join us at 6pm EDT live on Crowdcast.

#choosetochallenge #choosetolead

- Meet your panel of speakers -

Viji Natarajan - Software Engineering Director at Finra, Director at Women Who Code

A curious technologist who likes to learn, adopt new technologies as much as modernizing existing platforms. With a "people first" mindset, passionate about coaching and mentoring female engineers.

Iris Otano - Vice President in Global Technology & Operations at Bank of America

Iris' work as a Transformation Lead allows her to simplify and automate the processes and the tools currently used at the bank. Her strengths include learning new things to proposed strategic solutions and build the right relationships to get things done. She is passionate about helping women increase their confidence to combat the imposter syndrome she often sees. In her free time, she loves to travel, learn new things. She is currently residing and fixing a cabin in the Poconos PA with her fiancé until it's safer to return to Brooklyn NY.

Sarah Griffis - Director of Engineering at GoodRX

Sarah is an experienced leader with a demonstrated history of building high output teams in organizations big and small across product, engineering and operations. She strives for diverse and inclusive teams. She is currently Director of Engineering at GoodRx which is a newly IPO-ed very large healthcare marketplace known for its prescription discounts available freely for the un and underinsured.

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